Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Augus 20, 2010 - MY SISTER, DING

August is a special month for me because it is the birthday month of two persons I have loved so dearly. My sister, Ding, was born on the 20th of August and my husband, Rey, on the 31st of the same month. My appreciation and thanksgiving to both of them have been so deep and long-lasting. In fact, I have made known to them these feelings in so many words and ways while they were still alive. Somehow, I feel it necessary to let my children and grandchildren know some of the reasons why they were special to me.

August 20, 2010 - A Tribute To My Sister, Ding

Dearest Ding, this humble tribute is so long overdue
To one who was a mother-figure pure and true
Someone from whom we sought guidance and help
Always willing to give time, treasure and self.

Totally committed, unselfish beyond words
Firm and constant as the umbilical cord
That seamless bond which ties siblings from one womb
To be loving, loyal to each other till the tomb.

So patient were you in helping us study
Develop good habits of work in life early
Your discipline for us was of a special tie
That we knew what you meant just by the look in your eye.

Some thought of you so strict in training young minds
As a teacher in school and at home by design
Yet your heart was soft, tender to those who came
For help, service and monetary gain.

It was not your nature to turn a deaf ear
To a pleading voice you allay all fear
You often told us about God and His Grace
We grew up seeing Him in your daily ways.

You stayed close to me at my darkest hour
When my family came to America stripped of all power
The abiding gift of love, concern and provision
You poured lavishly on us without hesitation.

Time and time again you reminded us often
To be alone with the Lord each day as a token
And honor, adore Him with praise and thanksgiving
For His merciful love, protection and blessing.

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