Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 24, 2012 Sea of Galilee

The Readings today, April 24, 2012 are on Jesus' stay in Galilee after the "feeding of the loaves and fish" to the 5000 men and many more women and children. The miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fish happened in the village of Taghba. In a small memorial commemorating this event is the rock on which the bread and fish were lain as Jesus prayed before the miracle. An inscription "Mensa Christi" lay upon the rock.

Galilee has a charm uniquely its own. Lush greenery abound in some areas near the Sea of Galilee which is actually a lake. It is the lowest freshwater lake in the world. In my visits there, the "sea" has always been calm and the soft breeze has been exhilarating that the feeling of wanting to stay there forever tickled my mind. I believe that the fact that Jesus spent so much time in the area doing much of His healing and many of His miracles even walking on the water there, add to the special appeal Galilee has on me! Therefore, I have attempted to write some verses about it:

How beautiful you are, Oh, Galilee
Peaceful, life-giving water that abound in Thee
St. Peter's fish with their young in tow
Amidst the swaying plants so green below.

How I love to be in charming Galilee
In the place where our Lord Jesus walked with glee
Teaching His apostles, also Peter, James and John
To love everyone with the love He has sown.

The trees and boulders that line your rugged shores
Heard the tales Jesus told with such awesome force
That he would lay down His life to save the world
From sins of the flesh, corruption and the sword.

That to know Him means to study His Word
Reflect on Jesus' parables we won't get bored
Instill in our minds and hearts the way of life
Willing to serve others, always with rife.

Eager to help those who knock at our door
For food, for shelter, for counsel and much more
We can never fathom the power of prayer
Each time we seek God for someone else's welfare.

Oh, Galilee, how you marvelously display
Mother Nature in kaleidoscopic array
The changing colors as the seasons roll by
Complement the fragrance of the breeze coming nigh.

A chosen place you are, Oh Galilee
From time immemorial to eternity
Oh, Lord, in your mercy and love, let me be
In the bosom of your heart, your own Galilee!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April 11, 2012 MEDJUGORJE and EASTER MORN Easter

Easter is the core of Christianity - the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ signifying His conquest over Death. I associate Easter with my visit to Medjugorje in 1997. Do you know why?

Medjugorje, a name which means "between mountains" is located near the border of present-day Croatia. At the time of my visit, it was still part of Yugoslavia and a war was waging between Croatia and Bosnia. Although artillery shots could be heard from afar, the little town of Medjugorje was quiet. Only the chatter and shuffle of feet of the many pilgrims could be heard in the main street leading to the St. James Church. Somehow, God must have inspired the natives to build such a huge church for a small village and to put an equally large cross on top of a high mountain, ages ago, for their role in the apparition of our Blessed Mother in June, 1981.

After a day's guided tour, I decided to go back to the Hill of Apparitions very early the next morning to watch the breaking of dawn. Hence, I requested Gloria Reyes (may she rest in peace), a former co-teacher at the Philippine Women's University who was my companion, to wake me up at 4 AM. But she woke me up an hour later since she felt that it was too dark for me to make the climb up the hill. Instead of being upset over her "disobedience." I was grateful for her concern. That is what true friends are!

True enough, It was still very dark while I walked towards the taxi stand in front of the church. There was no vehicular or human traffic around. Helplessly waiting, I turned to Psalm 91 and to our Lady for help! Just then, I saw a woman walking on the other side of the street. I called out,"When do taxis come?" She answered,"They will not come." To my reply that I wanted to go to the Hill of Apparitions, she called back, "I am going there." I immediately crossed over and walked beside her. She pulled out a rosary from her pocket. I did not know whether she got it from a dress or from a pair of pants. I took my rosary from my purse and we simultaneously made the Sign of the Cross. Her lips moved but not a sound was heard. I followed suit- prayed with my heart. We walked to the end of the street and turned toward a wide open field that looked like rice paddies. In areas where the path was narrow, I followed her, otherwise I walked on her right side. When we reached the foot of the hill, she pointed to the top and I nodded. In the slopes were the Stations of the Cross. Together, we prayed at the First Station. I meditated quiet long and when I looked up, she was already at the Third Station waiting for me. I signaled her to go on to which she turned her back and proceeded up the hill. On the way, I met a priest accompanied by another man walking down. I mused, "My, did they sleep up on the hill?" After a while, two women came walking down the hill, also. "Did they sleep there, too?" crossed my mind.

When I reached the summit, I looked around for the lady who helped me. The whole area was visible since there were no trees around. My eyes covered every nook and corner of the hilltop, so to speak. For a few minutes, I stood wondering where she went. Finally, I convinced myself that since she was a resident of Medjugorje, she must know of another way down. I was all alone! Not a trace of fear or uneasiness beset me as I prayed before the cross which marked the spot where our Lady, now called "Queen of Peace" appeared to the five youth- Vicka, Maria, Ivan and two others. Then I positioned myself on a flat rock to watch the coming of dawn.

In a few seconds, the rays of light illumined the horizon and slowly the sun emerged rising towards the clear blue sky. Equipped with my sunglasses, I watched wrapped with the ecstasy of God's creation unfolding before my very eyes! I held my arms high as I soaked into my yearning body the penetrating heat of sunlight while my soul soared on "eagles wings." Tears of undefined joy fell through my lids as I cried out loud," It's Easter! Christ is risen! The Lord is my light and my salvation! (Psalm 27) I followed my proclamation with a litany of Praise and Thanksgiving:
Jesus, King of Kings, Praise you, Jesus
Jesus, Lord of Lords, Praise you, Jesus
Jesus, the Resurrection and the Light, Praise you, Jesus
Jesus, our Creator, Praise you, Jesus
Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life, Praise you, Jesus
Jesus, the Light of the world, Praise you, Jesus...etc.

Many pilgrims were climbing up the hill as I went down later. I took a taxi to get back to my hotel which was actually a home with some rooms rented out to visitors. While eating breakfast, I asked the comely matron of the place if there was another way up or down the hill. She replied, "Only one way."

Friday, April 6, 2012

April 6, 2012 GOOD FRIDAY

Today, April 6, 2012, is Good Friday. It is the day of deepest sorrow in the Christian world when Jesus, the Son of God, was crucified on the cross for the sins of mankind.

The Seven Last Words of Jesus as He hung on the tree and everything that Good Friday means moved me as to scribble some lines :


Today I must learn to totally cast something away
My sense of loss for someone has always been there
Time may have dulled the pain but I've held it at bay
From the Cross, today, Jesus took it from my care.

Today I must learn to forgive and forget
The actions of people who have betrayed my trust
The disappointments I harbored with much regret
A burden to carry when I return to my dust.

Today I must learn to give sincere love
To those difficult to embrace with affection
The ones who are clothed with pretense and who rob
Me of the joy of friendship and compassion.

Today I must learn to turn the other cheek
To those who hurt me with insults and ridicule
To bear with patience the harshness at its peak
To the plague of untruth I must remain cool.

Today I must learn to accept with humility
Ingratitude of those I've helped along the way
Be happy that my right hand's sympathy
Had given some hearts reason to be gay.

On Good Friday, Jesus hung helpless on the Cross
Yet taught me great lessons though unspoken
The hurts that I bear are just a tiny token
Of those I need to carry, be Christ-like to the lost.


Today, April 5, 2012, is Holy Thursday or Maudy Thursday. It starts the Sacred Triduum which includes Good Friday, Holy Saturday and on to Easter. It commemorates the institution of the Eucharist and the priesthood at the Last Supper. We remember, too, Jesus' example of greatest humility at His washing of the feet of the apostles.

Gigantic strides in cyber technology have been achieved in this era such that the world has grown smaller, so to speak. Something happening at one end of the planet can now be simultaneously seen at the opposite hemisphere. So it was that I witnessed the solemn celebration of the Liturgy of the Lord's Supper at the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome late this afternoon. Pope Benedict XVI officiated at the Mass.

The Basilica of St. John Lateran is the Cathedral of Rome and is therefore the seat of the Bishop of Rome who is the Pope. It was built in the year 324, recognized as the Mother of the Catholic Church of the world and ranks the oldest and first among the major basilicas in Rome. The beautiful "baldochino" (wood-carved canopy) of the main altar has an enclosed section on top which has the relics of St. Peter and St. Paul.

As the Pope was washing the feet of the twelve men representing the apostles, my memory reverted to my visits to the Upper Room on Mount Zion in Israel. It is recorded that during the different times of the siege of Jerusalem through the centuries, the Upper Room or Cenacle as it is also known, has been left unharmed.

To go to the Upper Room, visitors have to pass through the Tomb of David. a place sacred to the Jews. At the entrance, a thin cap similar to those worn by Jewish men is given in exchange for a dollar. I thought it to be a scam of some sort but, of course, took it in stride. Some questions disturbed me as I passed by the long box (coffin, maybe) covered with colorful silk cloth and ornaments on top. Is this really the tomb of David, one of the revered kings of Israel? How come people are allowed to pass by his bier right inside the so-called tomb? Isn't the constant traffic of humanity a sign of disrespect? With a shrug of my shoulders, I climbed the stairs leading to the second floor - The Upper Room.

The room is spacious with three free-standing columns in the center. I tried to encircle one with my arms but was a lot wider for my grasp. The vaulted ceilings so characteristic of centuried churches automatically attracts any visitor's attention. On one wall is a niche which served as altar during the time the room was used as a mosque. Almost in line with the staircase on the other end of the room is a door which at the time of my visit was wide open showing a street. Then I recalled that during Pentecost when the Holy Spirit blessed the apostles with tongues of fire upon their heads, they were able to speak the different languages of the people in town. Also, I remembered the Bible account of Peter going out in the street right after receiving the Holy Spirit and proclaiming to the peope that Jesus is their Messiah. That day, 3,000 pagans were converted to the Christian faith.

The Upper Room has been the setting for some important events in the life of Jesus and the history of the Church. First and foremost is the celebration of the Last Supper which initiated the institution of the Holy Eucharist and the priesthood or Holy Orders. It was the meeting place of the apostles with the Virgin Mary after the death of Jesus. In fact, the discussion about the person to replace Judas was held there which led to the choice of Mathias. Pentecost, the epoch-making coming of the Holy Spirit happened in the Upper Room. After His Resurrection, Jesus appeared to the apostles in the room two times. Firstly,when He proved to them His triumph over death and the real body He bore and secondly, when He called Thomas to touch His hands and side to cast the apostle's doubts away. We remember the words that Thomas proclaimed,
"My Lord and my God!"