Monday, November 22, 2010

November 21,2010 - CHRIST, THE KING

The Solemnity of Christ, The King was established by Pope Pius XI in 1925 because most of the people of the day had practically thrust Jesus Christ and His teachings out of their lives. There was a distinct effort to cast aside the Ten Commandments out of the social and political arena. Freedom was being interpreted to mean license in various fields of endeavor. At that time, despotic rulers and systems began to take hold in Europe: Hitler, Mussolini and Lenin. Pope Pius XI wanted to assure the people with a sense of security through the rule of Jesus Christ over the chaos of tyranny. He went on to claim " that as long as individuals and states refused the Rule of our Savior Jesus Christ, there would be no real prospect for lasting peace among nations." This critique could have been written today, 2010, where a most replicating scenario exists - the serious crimes of abortion, euthanasia, divorce and other forms of darkness. Our present world is indeed shrouded with darkness. A philosopher defines " Darkness is the inability of the human race to do what it ought and it continues to find itself doing what it ought not."

One of the tasks of the early Christians was to show that Jesus Christ was truly the fulfillment of the religious expectations of the Jewish people. They did this by placing Him squarely in the heart of Israel's major traditions - genealogy. The people had a tremendous respect for family roots. Through genealogy, they spoke consistently on the ancestry of Jesus which is traced back to David - a much admired and considered ideal king. Hence Jesus Christ is King by birth!

Today, Christ, The King Sunday reminds us that there is a Monarch, a King, Who is both Just and Merciful; Whose kingdom is in stark contrast with the systems of this world - a Kingdom which transcends the wordly darkness.

The Kingdom of God is real - not in what we see. " It exists in the hearts of everyone who give themselves over to the King of Kings. It exists in the hearts of men and women who give themselves over to peace. It is because of the peace of that Kingdom that we, here and now, can promote justice. It is because of that peace that we stand against the killing of innocents or elderly or genocide elsewhere in this planet. "

That is what the kingdom of God means - Light Against Darkness !

We have hope in the truth of the Biblical passage, " The Light shone and the darkness could not comprehend it, could not extinguish it. "

The Readings and Gospel today add Titles to Jesus:

1. God's Beloved Son
2. Image Of The Invisible God
3. Firstborn Of All Creation
4. Head Of The Church
5. Messiah Of God
6. Before All Things
7. Firstborn From The Dead

Yes, He is all these and much...much more!

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