Tuesday, July 10, 2012

May 27, 2010 - 75th Anniversary of Golden Gate Bridge

Today, May 27, 2012 is the 75th Anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge, the world- acknowledged symbol of San Francisco, California. "The City by the Bay" is another way of referring to my beloved San Francisco, my first "home" for the initial twenty-five years in America. It is a place I have loved and will continue to do so because of the plethora of memories I treasure like ripples in the ebb and flow of my life.

San Francisco newspapers flashed extensive news about the 50th Anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge in 1987. The spirit of adventure which has permeated my life manifested in the many travels to foreign soil I have undertaken caused me to make an important decision- cross the bridge on foot!

Noel dutifully brought me to the Golden Gate Bridge that momentous day - May 27, 1987. Several blocks around the bridge were filled by a motley crowd of people both natives and immigrants from every conceivable country of the world who have called San Francisco their home. There was a distinct feverish excitement in the air! I was swept by a tidal wave of joy and thanksgiving - happiness of being a witness to the celebration and gratitude to our Almighty God and Blessed Mother for making my family's emigration possible!

It took a very long while before we were able to inch our way towards the bridge. When we finally reached the foot of the span, I took a sweeping look at the people who were shoulder -to-shoulder taking a step-by-step journey to cross the bridge. To think that the blistering heat of the sun at high noon was at its height! I was undaunted. I invited Noel to join me in the epoch-making endeavor of crossing the Golden Gate Bridge on its 50th Anniversary. He declined.

With a silent prayer for strength and endurance, a long, deep breath, shoulders pushed back, chin up, I took my first momentous step. Somehow, I knew that I could make it. I was only fifty-six years old! Nonetheless, I decided to stay close to the rail for support and for the added advantage of having a wonderful panorama before me. The encompassing view of the San Francisco skyline and the unencumbered supply of fresh air justified my decision to cling to the rail.

There was a lot of chatter and laughter among the crowd. Friends who came for the walk filled the air with their endless stories of their past adventures together. Strangers walking beside each other became engaged in animated conversation with almost any topic "under the sun.". I could easily strike up acquaintanceship with the ladies walking beside me, on either side, but I resolved to spend the time with my special Friend - Jesus. My prayers were mostly of profound gratitude for the many blessings He has poured on me and my family. A litany of praise for Him came forth from my ever-grateful heart! It was also a fitting time to address my thanksgiving to our Blessed Mother and the many saints who have constantly helped me in my needs. Despite the accompanying discomfort of the walk to the end of the bridge and back, I found it to be refreshing. Strange? Not really, because I walked with friends of a special kind!

My walk across the Golden Gate Bridge on its 50th Anniversary took more than three hours. It was so memorable as my walk across the Bridge on the River Kwai (between Burma and Thailand) in the 1970's. There was a big difference though. At the Bridge on the River Kwai, my mind was fully concentrated on my steps between large pieces of log wide-spaced between each other and a raging river below. During my walk on the Golden Gate Bridge in 1987, my heart and mind was focused on prayer - a communion with my God!

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