I am Grace Oblena. I am one of those blessed few who have been given many opportunities to visit and explore, as of today, 35 countries on this planet. Many friends tease me as a "globetrotter" but I owe everything to Someone up there. Who makes it all possible you ask? GOD!
Monday, September 13, 2010
In addition to the earlier blog on prayers I have used for so many years, are the following:
BEFORE HOLY COMMUNION (Said after the Act of Contrition)
Oh my Jesus, I believe in you, increase my faith
Oh my Jesus, I trust in You, strengthen my trust
Oh my Jesus, I love you, let me love you more and more.
Oh my Jesus, I am sorry for my sins, deepen my sorrow.
Oh my Jesus, I hope in you in all things, I thank you in all thngs.
I worship you as my first beginning
I long for you as my last end
I call on you as my constant companion
I praise you as my loving protector.
Guide me with your wisdom
Correct me with your justice
Comfort me with your mercy
Protect me with your power.
Lord, I offer my thoughts to you
My words to have you as my theme
My actions to reflect my love for you
My sufferings to be endured for your greater glory.
Help me to do what you ask of me
In the way you ask
For as long as you ask
Because you ask it.
Lord, I believe I have received your Body, your Blood, your Soul,
your Divinity. Thank you, Lord, for coming into my life. Wash away my iniquities, O Lord, and cleanse me from my sins.
Anima Christi
Soul of Christ, sanctify me
Body of Christ, save me
Blood of Christ, inebriate me
Water from the side of Christ, wash me
Passion of Christ, strengthen me
Oh, good Jesus, hear me
Within Thy wounds hide me
Suffer me not to be separated from Thee
From the malignant enemy, defend me
At the hour of my death, call me
Bid me come to Thee
That I with Thy saints I may praise Thee forever and ever. Amen.
(Plenary Indulgence When Said After Holy Communion)
Look down upon me, good and gentle Jesus
As before Thy feet I humbly kneel
And with burning soul pray and beseech Thee
To fix deep in my heart lively sentiments of faith, hope and charity
True contrition for my sins, a firm purpose of amendment
The while I contemplate, pondering within me
The words which your servant David said of Thee, dear Jesus
"They pierced my hands and my feet
They have numbered all my bones."
( Say 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary and 1 Glory be to the Father)
In these recent blogs, I have shared the prayers that have been the core of my moments with God. They help nourish my intimate relationship with Him. After all, isn't a living relationship with our Creator the purpose for which we were created?
True,we can have a belief in God- a connection that God exists but still have a "broken" relationship with Him. For example, there are Sunday-worshipper-Catholics who are actually tainted with sins that are seriously in opposition to God's commandments, as some legislators who support abortion. When we proclaim we believe in God as in the Creed in Sunday Liturgy, we say that we have a dynamic movement/effort to surrender our lives towards God and His teachings. Our belief is a "plunging-in", a "no-holds-barred" obedience to our Faith, as St. Paul declares. That is why, it is important to be vigilant in nourishing our relationship with God daily. Absence of these daily moments with God can slowly dampen your devotion to Him. Growing cold spiritually can slowly but surely ruin your relationship with your Lord and Savior.
I sound like a broken record in this regard but as the quality of everyday life in this era of phenomenal technology and demanding family, office and social obligations cramp up your daily hours, it requires deliberate
"discipline" to live the Christian life. A healthy spiritual dimension of your life is like the rudder that helps you sail the sea of life amidst its inevitable storms and tempests along the way.You can discern how to stand firm in your faith through winds of adversity. More importantly, the walk with God begins with prayer and the moments you share with Him provide the opportunity for God to reveal Himself to you! As your intimate relationship with Him develops, you grow closer and the more you'll trust Him. This is true in any relationship as with a friend. The more time you spend with a friend and learn more about him/her, the more likely you will trust and rely upon him/her. As your relationship with God blossoms, your trust in Him grows, then you become confident that nothing happens in your life without the knowledge, permission and purpose of GOD.
Hence, renew your commitment to God - Daily, an
Invaluable Discipline !!!
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