Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Today, February 4, 2014, I went through a box that has lain at the bottom of a pile and found a letter I had written to my family way back on August 14, 1978. 1978 - thirty-six years ago! Since I used to relate the happenings in my trips abroad, I often asked Papa to give me the letter I had written to help me when I would write my journal. I remember that in an earlier blog, I shared with you my first trip to the Holy Land with such remarkable details because of the letter I had sent my family then.

Written on the stationery of Hotel Mehran, Karachi 0405 Pakistan, it runs thus:

                                      Aug. 14, 1978

Dearest darlings,

        Hello everyone! I safely reached Karachi yesterday at 2:00 PM after a 4 and 1/2 hour plane ride from Bangkok. Because International Hotel charges $60 per night, I decided to be billeted here, the only other reputable hotel in Karachi with a $35 per night bill. I never expected hotel rates here to be that stiff! I was lucky to have a returning resident seated near me who helped me a lot.

        Lourding and I had some interesting experiences together topped by our record-breaking "waving good-bye" stint at the plane side area while airport officials kept shoving us up the aircraft.Then there was the time I told someone about to enter the comfort room, "This is for ladies." and she turned around and said, "I am a lady," despite her close-cropped hair, bush jacket and pants galore. It just happened that I walked behind her! Then there was the military checker who insisted on my presenting my DOT clearance but who after my talk with his chief permitted me to leave for Bangkok, also. I know the incident scared the daylights off Lourding for fear that she would travel alone and this was duplicated at the Bangkok airport when she was about to leave for Copenhagen when the lady at the check-in counter insisted on Lourding's visa for Belgium. A talk with their chief cleared matters up but it made Lourding take a Valium (tranquilizer) at the CR (restroom) while Tipsuda and I argued it out with the people in charge. It just happened that Filipinos are exempted from securing a visa in going to Belgium for a period of 59 days while Thais cannot stay in Belgium even for one day without a visa. The counter people were equating the situation along Thai requirements.

        As I would be doing for all of you when you visit Bangkok, I acted as Lourding's tourist guide - to the Catholic church where I gave the parish priest whom people here call "Pastor" the icon of our Mother of Perpetual Help, leaflets of prayers and organ music for novena songs so that they may adopt our RP way in their Wednesday novenas. We visited the Marble Temple with Tipsuda, our driver and free car service attendant as well as the big department stores, Daimaru and Central and their version of Divisoria called Banglampoo. Also, I took Lourding to the United Nations Regional Headquarters here where I attend conferences. She was so happily surprised, she said when many people recognized me including the police officer at the checkpoint entrance. We went to the Ministry of Communications where Tipsuda works and met my friends there, too. Incidentally, I remember that while we were in the limousine driving towards our hotel, Lourding and I witnessed a most beautiful sunset, its array of magnificent colors and the sun nearing the horizon which was so big, we could almost reach out and touch it, a phenomenon I have never seen anywhere ever to this day.

        Karachi is totally a pleasant surprise - far from what I have imagined it to be! The road from the airport to the downtown area is so wide as our superhighway but with a five-meter island in between complete with street lamps and trees which are individually enclosed with cement decorative hollow blocks. The houses that line the avenue are mostly new 2-storey buildings with flat roofs and the apartments along the way are like those built on cliffs (3 to 4 storeys) arranged like steps so that the small front garden of one flat serves as the roof of the house underneath it. This arrangement reminded me of the ones I saw in Israel. Really, Karachi is more of the Middle East because on its western side, they have snow in winter.

        Mr. Sabri, my plane seatmate was met by his family, a wife and three children. They were so kind as to invite me to their car and then to their home in the equivalent of Forbes Park where they canvassed the hotels and their subsequent rates. I apologized for intruding in their family reunion, really, but I could not help noticing the very big house which was presently being remodeled and wide lawn and gardens. The house was built in an area away from the gate - a distance half of the University of Sto. Tomas grounds. It must take a minute or so to reach the house from the entrance gate. Remember, Maris, my dream house which must be at least 5 minutes drive from the gate, hindi ba?

        I learned that Mr. Sabri and family used to stay in Saudi Arabia and now is going to return in Karachi for good. His wife and children came back a month earlier. I witnessed the family reunion and the "pasalubongs" (gifts) he had. My, you should see the wife's gift - a 4 and 1/2 carat diamond ring which he said cost $20,000! The three teen-aged daughters each got a diamond ring plus the other two sons. Later, they started canvassing hotels and I was conducted by their driver to Hotel Mehran.

        My, I do believe that the Lord and Blessed Mother are always with me! The help given me through some persons make manifest their blessings. Of course, such blessings are topped by my wonderful family and such thoughtful, loving husband! Darling, I was overwhelmed with joy by that magnificent gesture - a sampaguita garland! I felt as if I was traveling for the first time, indeed! Thank you so much for everything including the usual fried chicken, which as always, is a big help and savings (we ate it for dinner) and more importantly, a concrete manifestation of love and concern which I truly treasure!

        I attended the 6:15 PM Mass at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, walked all the way from my hotel, a distance of about 8 to 9 blocks because taxis were charging me $5.00.  Hallelujah of praise came forth from my heart when I saw the cathedral teeming with people like a Friday afternoon in Quiapo church! Strange because Pakistan is a Muslim country such that Friday is the holy day and Sunday is a workday. But I was overjoyed by the brave "heroes" of Christianity. I shed a few tears of joy! It was a "jazzy" Mass with the choir sitting in the middle pews. Many men received Holy Communion and in fact, I did not see men going out of the church during the Homily and start coming back after for the rest of the service which was a common sight in the Philippines.

        It was already dark after Mass but I still decided to walk back to the hotel confident that Jesus, our Blessed Mother and my guardian angels and saints would be with me. Within 2 or 3 blocks around the church were lighted stores but from then on the high walls bordering the street and the dim street lights which were posted way far from each other gave me the creeps. I held on to my rosary tighter and continually prayed. The fangs of fear were taking a grip on me and I fought back with a volley of prayers!

        Then I heard some slight voices and laughter behind me. I turned my head and there around 50 or 60 steps away were a couple, possibly special friends. I heaved a sigh of relief! They kept walking "with" me through the entire dark long blocks till the corner where I had to just cross to my hotel. It was as if they escorted me for when I looked back, they turned to the opposite direction. Truly, God was/is always with me!  My prayers of thanksgiving were bursting to the seams! Bobby, Maris, Noel and Cielo, I tell you these incidents and similar ones in the past to show you that all of you must constantly be with the Lord and Blessed Mother. Always ask for their love and protection!

        I guess I have written you a blow-by-blow account of my yet short stay here. Please take good care of yourselves as much as the care I give to myself. Kindly remember to take your vitamins and Maris, please buy Trisovit because I took the one I brought. The doors and locks need to be attended to. Please remind Fe.

        So long for now...all my love and kisses to each and everyone of you but most especially to dearest Popeye!
                              Love always,


Sunday, February 2, 2014


 February 2, 2014, today, we celebrate the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple which also commemorates the fortieth day since His birth in Bethlehem. 

The Gospel speaks of Mary and Joseph fulfilling the law in presenting any male child in the temple and "redeeming" him with a pair of turtle doves. It relates of Simeon proclaiming the Christ Child as the "light of the Gentiles and the glory of his people."

As Fr. Philip Ganir, a Filipino Jesuit of the St. Ignatius Church in Sacramento expounded on Jesus being the "Light of the World" for believers and non-believers alike, I recalled a sanctuary in Chartres, France which is called the "Cathedral of Light."